A friend of mine, Matt Birchler, recently wrote a really solid article on how to deliver great product demos. He starts the piece off with what, in my opinion, is the most important part of a product demo.
If you create things, whether for a living or for yourself, you have an inner critic, and you need to squash it…
People often ask me questions about this habit. The two most common questions are why I spend so much time on books and how I manage to finish so many. This is my attempt to answer those questions.
When I'm reading a physical book, I place a finger at the end of the chapter I'm on, so I have a goal to shoot for. I set goals like this all day, daily.
Last year at this time, I set a goal to read or listen to one book a week in 2016, and I met that goal. I don’t want you to get the wrong impression...
My life has changed quite drastically in the past twelve months. My experiences don't make me an expert, but I hope sharing what I've learned will help you.
For the past two weeks, one topic has been woven through my reading and conversations: the enemies of creativity. As I read and talked about these enemies…
Despite having nearly endless resources and brilliant employees, the world’s most successful tech companies all release products that fail...
The most successful people I know have a system to organize and prioritize their lives. Some swear by specific apps. Others keep track...
When I moved to the Houston Heights, my commute to work increased from 5-10 minutes each way to 30-45 minutes each way...
Action is inherently powerful. It transforms us from dreamers into leaders. Action is the difference between having a great idea (like everyone else)…
In the first two years of college, I worked at an IT service desk. I helped fellow students with computer issues ranging from...
I love audiobooks. They’ve been a regular part of my life for five years. When I work out, fold laundry or have some spare time, I’ll begin listening...
As the new year approaches, we are looking back on our lives, contemplating how to improve and setting goals for 2015...
As I’ve worked on self improvement over the past 6 months, I’ve tried to spend time on 7 key disciplines—reading, journaling, studying Mandarin, building…
Blogging has been an enjoyable and extremely difficult undertaking for me. I love the process of transforming an idea into published content...
We can all use help with our productivity, and if you’re anything like me, you often find productivity boosts from apps...
Social media was sold to the world as a way to keep up with friends from high school, coworkers from previous jobs and your Aunt Lynda in Wisconsin…
Over the past three months I’ve compiled a few helpful resources for blogging. There are a lot of lists out there; but instead of overwhelming you...
Most of us use productivity apps every day. They are a key part of every smart phone. Mail, calendar, and to-do apps...
Journaling, writing, and note taking inherently fulfill different purposes, accomplish different tasks & follow different processes...
Everyone talks about goals around the new year. A handful of people are enthusiastic about them. This is probably because...