Overcoming Familiar Obstacles

Everyone talks about goals around the new year. A handful of people are enthusiastic about them. This is probably because they’ve achieved their goals in the past and have experienced the joy that comes with that accomplishment. But the majority of us don’t think New Year’s resolutions work (at least not for us). We know this because every year we give up by February. 

I get it. I’m already behind on my goals for this year. One in particular is to post on this blog 53 times (once per week). This obviously hasn’t happened. 

But as I think about why I’m behind, I realize the things hindering me are familiar. Fear and lack of focus have prevented me from achieving goals for years. 

This realization motivates me and should encourage you too. You know why? Because we have overcome these obstacles before. We’ve all conquered fears and focused our minds in the past. 

These roadblock are not impenetrable. We can subdue the fear that keeps us from writing blog posts, going to the gym or asking someone on a date. We have the ability to focus on what’s important, turn off the TV and put away our phones. Once we realize what is quashing our ambitions, we are in control.